

Now I'm not one for getting attached to people. Especially not recently. Due to my lack of trust in everyone. But there is a family who I've been attached to, back when I did trust most people, and theyve never given me a reason not to trust them. Because they're truly incredible. And I know I said this blog was going to be mainly about my Air Force career but I'm straying off for a minute.

This post is about Trevy.

Now, I'm really bad with keeping up with people, and blogs, and pretty much everything. But Trevor, Danielle, Toby, Bristel, and Johnathan are people I try to stay in contact with. They're amazing.

Trevor is my little seizure boyfriend. Now of course, he's 5, he's obviously not my boyfriend but he's an adorable little kid who has the sweetest heart ever and can make you melt just by looking at you. There's just one thing about Trevor, he has epilepsy. And the worst part is, he's not okay. He cant live his life like a normal kid, because although he is on medication, and he has had half of his brain removed, which yes, has helped with his epilepsy, he still has seizures. Not as much, but they're still there and still happen.

I just read a post on Danielle's page that made something pretty real to me. Pretty much punched me in the throat and took away any hope of catching my breath.
Trevy has been vomiting lately, apparently one morning when they checked on him he was laying in vomit, they hadnt heard him get sick. Which obviously isnt any of their fault. But the fact that Trevy could asperate. Or worse, the seizures, or vomiting, or whatever is happening in his body, that could end him. His incredible, adorable, loving, miraculous little self.

He's 5. He's 5 and his parents have had to consider funeral arrangements if ever necessary. No parents should have to do that with their 5 year old. No parents should have to do it for their child period. It's weird enough for me going into the Air Force and having to make a will and set who my death benefits are going to and whatnot. I'm 20. Trevy is 5. That scares the hell out of me.

I'm not a fan of funerals as it is. But one, that I absolutely do not want to ever have to go to or hear about, under any circumstances, would be Trevy. My heart would be officially, forever broken. My hope for faith, or hope, would pretty much be gone. I would take going through hell with Macy a million times over if it meant Trevy being okay.

I guess I've just kinda been in denial. That anything worse than the seizures could happen to Trevy. I guess I never really thought of the fact of what the seizures could seriously do to him, more than they have. And that post made it real, threw it in my face, and very nearly made me sick to ever think of the fact of that little boy not being around.

I love you Trevor. You've changed my life and thought process in so many ways. I'll never take seeing your face or your smile for granted again.

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